
Welcome to Quinoa, the easiest asset management protocol in Web3.


Quinoa is a web3 asset management protocol that enables its users to invest in Defi ecosystem easily. It's currently built on the Polygon network and it's non-custodial, transparent, permission-less, and governed by the Quinoa DAO community.

Quinoa reframed the experience of Defi investment process into the trading experience of a financial commodity like funds of positions. Users can BUY or SELL their investment position, as NFT products owned by the user, in a similar experience to traditional Stocks or Funds trading.

DAC, Decentralized Autonomous Company, is a member or group of the strategist who make and manage an investment position product. The products a set of investment strategies secured and enforced by smart contracts, compounding capital rewards from various automated market making (AMM) projects, liquidity pools (LPs),‌ and‌ ‌other yield‌ farming ‌opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.

Following Services are coming soon.

  • The Product Collateral Loan service

  • On-Ramp Purchasing of products

Last updated